I know I should be feeling incredibly excited (and I am), but I am also feeling physically ill as I sit in front of my computer thinking about my cover letter. What string of pretty words will be the ones that will make a principal stop for a second and say, "Ah, yes! She's the one we've been looking for!"?
In my heart I know that if I were to receive an interview for a teaching position, I would have an incredible chance at getting hired. When I talk about teaching or successful lessons or students I just won't ever forget, my excitement and passion is papalble. Anyone who talked to me about the subject for 5 minues would know that I care. So much. If I could just get an interview!
Unfortunately, this places an inflated importance on the written documents I am sending. Therefore, I am stuck wondering how I can make myself stick out long enough to get that interview.
And so I write for five minutes and then edit because this statement or that one fails to communicate the right message. When I am done editing only half of the sentences I wrote are there, the rest defeated by backspace.
The longer I take toiling over the specific words and phrasing, the more resumes are being sent to the principal at my perfect school!
I shouldn't be using this name yet.. but I just wanted to say that I'm up for looking over anything you want before you send it in. Shoot me an email if you are interested!